Ko Whatitiri te Maunga pumau te ao i te po
Ko Waipao te Awa rerenga hau o te waiata
Maungarongo ki te Whenua
Waimarie Marae
Ko Te Uriroroi, Te Parawhau, Te Mahurehure Te tangata Ngapuhi e
Tena Koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.



Our philosophy is simple.  We are a dedicated and committed team who provides native plant knowledge for our younger generation. We work towards those ends by stating our values and acting as agents to change our families, friends and associates & wider community by way of educating our children and letting them educate their parents. The aim is to steer our society into a more sustainable direction for the benefit of our future. We are dedicated to providing the best native plants of the highest quality while delivering superior services and expertise to all customers.



Growing seeds

Our modern facility in Poroti, Northland (20 km west of Whangarei) enables us to produce an ever expanding range and volume of the highest quality native plants. As a team, we focus on revegatation, wetlands, landscaping and coastal projects.

Waimarie Nurseries is committed to growing and producing over 1 million plants per annum from seed collection to the finished product. Primarily through the experience and enthusiasm of its principals, the nursery has gained an enviable profile and reputation for their propagation and supply of high quality, healthy native plants at remarkable and economical low prices.